Jesus the Resurrection & Life Right Now

By Megan Dobrasz - 3/17/2024

Continuing Rooted, our journey through the Bible, we find ourselves delving into the profound ministry of Jesus as we approach Easter. Today's focus is on a pivotal moment: the resurrection of Lazarus. This event not only foreshadows Jesus' own impending death and resurrection but also ignites a firestorm among the religious elite, who conspire to eliminate him. We also witness Martha and Mary's journey through grief, inviting us to reflect on our own relationship with Jesus in the midst of the death & grief in our own lives.


Series Date: 2/18/2024 - 3/31/2024

Series Summary: The Bible is the living word of God meant to shape us as we read it. The redemptive arc of the Bible points to the core message: That a man, Jesus, who was fully God, came to live among us, die on our behalf, and rise in a cosmic act of love and redemption so that we can have a restored relationship with God. Meet with and get to know this Messiah during the special season of Lent.
