Getting Ready

By Scott Sund - 2/18/2024

Scott Sund kicks off the season of Lent by looking at John the Baptist, a signifier of the Messiah's restoration. Through John's example we can ready ourselves for the Messiah, Repent with the Messiah, and Release all we have to the Messiah.


Series Date: 2/18/2024 - 3/31/2024

Series Summary: The Bible is the living word of God meant to shape us as we read it. The redemptive arc of the Bible points to the core message: That a man, Jesus, who was fully God, came to live among us, die on our behalf, and rise in a cosmic act of love and redemption so that we can have a restored relationship with God. Meet with and get to know this Messiah during the special season of Lent.
