The Upside Down King

By John Wayne Seitzler - 6/3/2024

The world says the way forward is achieved either through trying harder or opting out in order to protect oneself. The upside-down-way of Christ that will turn this world right-side-up is through deep attachement and receiving. Upside Down Faith, Upside Down Practice of Deep Attachment, and Upside Down Practice of Receiving.

Flame: The Church Grows

Series Date: 5/19/2024 - 6/17/2024

Series Summary: This new series follows the Holy Spirit's work through Paul's letters. The flame grows as new, multiethnic communities of faith are established through Paul’s missionary journeys—men and women, Jew and Gentile, slave and free, marked not by social status but by their commitment to follow Jesus and by God’s presence dwelling in them through the Holy Spirit.
