Do we have ears?

By Kendy Easley - 6/30/2024

These two chapters of Revelation are pronouncements from Jesus written as letters to seven churches. Each one includes this invitation: “To anyone who has an ear, hear what the Spirit is saying to the churches.” If we received a letter, to the Church in Seattle, what would be celebrated, corrected? What kind of commitment or promises from God would be life giving to us individually and as a church?

Behold: The Book of Revelation 2024

Series Date: 6/23/2024 - 7/28/2024

Series Summary: Among all the ways that Revelation has been interpreted, from the very beginning of the book, we’re told that first and foremost this book is about Jesus! Every word, image, and passage reveals Jesus in timeless, transcendent, and transformative ways.As we bring our year-long Rooted series to an end, Behold | The Book of Revelation, calls us to embrace a fresh start in Christ— yielding fruit that blesses all creation as we root ourselves in Scripture and allow it to deepen our connection to God.
